Franklin REC provides business support services for energy savings and efficiencies to any size business.
Contact our member service advisor, Chad Foster, at 641-456-2557.
Compressed air is a convenient source of energy for many operations; however, it is expensive due to low compression efficiencies and leakage. Our staff can evaluate your current system, including the compressors, controls, and distribution system. Because the cost of compressed air is so high and repairs are relatively inexpensive, compressed air audits typically have a very fast payback.
Our staff can help you determine where your energy dollars are being spent and what areas of your operation can benefit most from energy improvements. By helping you understand how your electric rate works, we can suggest ways for you to lower your costs without added investment and only minimal changes to your operation.
Advances in lighting technology have improved the color and quality of efficient lighting options. Well-designed lighting has been shown to improve employee comfort and enhance the marketability of products in a retail setting. We can evaluate your current or proposed lighting plan and recommend efficient alternatives.
A well-planned lighting design can save you money for many years to come.
Questline is a comprehensive technical information and problem-solving service provided to you by your local electric cooperative. This 100 percent confidential service will answer most questions within 48 hours and is limited only to the amount of help you need.
Every effort is made to prevent and minimize outages; however, if your operation is highly dependent on electricity to maintain production, standby generation may provide a solution for you. We can assist you with the evaluation, purchase, and installation of a standby generator to provide power during unexpected outages.
Mechanical and electric problems often show up in the form of excess heat. Using an infrared camera, our energy experts detect these hot spots and identify repairs to be made before a failure occurs. We provide onsite thermal imaging and include a written report of the results and recommendations.